The Top 10 Worst Movies Directed by Stanley Kramer

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The Top 10 Worst Movies Directed by Stanley Kramer
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
39161 The Domino Principle 1977 Stanley Kramer R -
11941 The Pride and the Passion 1957 Stanley Kramer NR -
14033 Oklahoma Crude 1973 Stanley Kramer PG -
18587 Bless the Beasts and Children 1971 Stanley Kramer PG -
8031 Ship of Fools 1965 Stanley Kramer NR -
1977 On the Beach 1959 Stanley Kramer NR -
1011 It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 1963 Stanley Kramer G -
1095 The Defiant Ones 1958 Stanley Kramer NR -
526 Inherit the Wind 1960 Stanley Kramer NR -
12159 The Secret of Santa Vittoria 1969 Stanley Kramer PG13 -

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