The Best Movies Directed by Shûji Terayama

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The Best Movies Directed by Shûji Terayama
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8682 Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets 1971 Shûji Terayama NR -
10287 Pastoral Hide and Seek 1974 Shûji Terayama NR -
25749 Emperor Tomato Ketchup 1971 Shûji Terayama NR -
31652 The Cage 1964 Shûji Terayama NR -
32290 Grass Labyrinth 1979 Shûji Terayama NR -
33402 Farewell to the Ark 1984 Shûji Terayama NR -
40743 Labyrinth Tale 1975 Shûji Terayama NR -
45397 The Boxer 1977 Shûji Terayama NR -

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