The Top 10 Movies Directed by Samuel Fuller

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Samuel Fuller
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
619 Pickup on South Street 1953 Samuel Fuller NR -
1302 Shock Corridor 1963 Samuel Fuller NR -
1717 The Big Red One 1980 Samuel Fuller PG -
1964 The Naked Kiss 1964 Samuel Fuller NR -
2747 White Dog 1982 Samuel Fuller PG -
2882 The Steel Helmet 1951 Samuel Fuller NR -
3890 Forty Guns 1957 Samuel Fuller NR -
5406 House of Bamboo 1955 Samuel Fuller NR -
7142 The Crimson Kimono 1959 Samuel Fuller NR -
7299 Underworld USA 1961 Samuel Fuller NR -

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