The Best Movies Directed by Rod Holcomb

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The Best Movies Directed by Rod Holcomb
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
37699 Midnight Offerings 1981 Rod Holcomb NR -
38568 Captain America 1979 Rod Holcomb NR -
45630 Stitches 1985 Rod Holcomb R -
48103 Donato and Daughter 1993 Rod Holcomb R -
48674 The Pentagon Papers 2003 Rod Holcomb R -
49367 The Cartier Affair 1984 Rod Holcomb NR -
49423 Royce 1994 Rod Holcomb R -
54451 Chains of Gold 1991 Rod Holcomb R -
63168 Code Breakers 2005 Rod Holcomb NR -
70359 The 19th Wife 2010 Rod Holcomb NR -

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