The Best Movies of the 1950s Directed by Reginald Le Borg

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The Best Movies of the 1950s Directed by Reginald Le Borg
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
16287 The Black Sleep 1956 Reginald Le Borg NR -
28337 G.I. Jane 1951 Reginald Le Borg NR -
28390 The Dalton Girls 1957 Reginald Le Borg NR -
28613 Voodoo Island 1957 Reginald Le Borg NR -
28644 Sins of Jezebel 1953 Reginald Le Borg NR -
34451 The Great Jesse James Raid 1953 Reginald Le Borg NR -
34955 War Drums 1957 Reginald Le Borg NR -
35172 The White Orchid 1954 Reginald Le Borg NR -
36583 Bad Blonde 1953 Reginald Le Borg NR -

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