The Best Movies Directed by Philippe Falardeau

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The Best Movies Directed by Philippe Falardeau
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5382 Monsieur Lazhar 2011 Philippe Falardeau PG13 -
12253 The Good Lie 2014 Philippe Falardeau PG13 -
49101 It's Not Me, I Swear! 2008 Philippe Falardeau NR -
54878 The Bleeder 2016 Philippe Falardeau R -
58414 The Left-Hand Side of the Fridge 2000 Philippe Falardeau NR -
64275 Congorama 2006 Philippe Falardeau NR -
74558 My Salinger Year 2020 Philippe Falardeau R -
76192 My Internship in Canada 2015 Philippe Falardeau NR -

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