The Best Movies Directed by Paul Schneider

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The Best Movies Directed by Paul Schneider
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
38226 14 Going on 30 1988 Paul Schneider NR -
38391 Dance 'Til Dawn 1988 Paul Schneider NR -
41033 Willy/Milly 1986 Paul Schneider NR -
43798 Babycakes 1989 Paul Schneider NR -
50730 For the Love of Nancy 1994 Paul Schneider NR -
56893 You Lucky Dog 1998 Paul Schneider NR -
63382 Can of Worms 1999 Paul Schneider NR -
68221 Pretty Bird 2008 Paul Schneider R -
Unranked With Hostile Intent 1993 Paul Schneider R -

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