The Best Movies Directed by Paul Bartel

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The Best Movies Directed by Paul Bartel
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1877 Death Race 2000 1975 Paul Bartel R -
4083 Eating Raoul 1982 Paul Bartel R -
10484 Cannonball 1976 Paul Bartel R -
15172 Private Parts 1972 Paul Bartel R -
25796 The Longshot 1986 Paul Bartel PG13 -
29767 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills 1989 Paul Bartel R -
33983 Lust in the Dust 1985 Paul Bartel R -
36508 The Secret Cinema 1968 Paul Bartel NR -
43235 Naughty Nurse 1969 Paul Bartel NR -
48018 Not for Publication 1984 Paul Bartel R -
52980 Shelf Life 1993 Paul Bartel NR -

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