The Best Movies Directed by Ngai Choi Lam

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The Best Movies Directed by Ngai Choi Lam
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2498 Story of Ricky 1991 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
14693 The Seventh Curse 1986 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
24704 Erotic Ghost Story 1987 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
45410 The Cat 1992 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
47212 Three Stooges Go Undercover 1984 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
48665 Peacock King 1988 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
48778 Her Vengeance 1988 Ngai Choi Lam NR -

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