The Best Movies Directed by Mauro Bolognini

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The Best Movies Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
21624 Il bell'Antonio 1960 Mauro Bolognini NR -
26525 Wild Love 1955 Mauro Bolognini NR -
28473 Young Husbands 1958 Mauro Bolognini NR -
28774 La corruzione 1963 Mauro Bolognini NR -
28832 The Lovemakers 1961 Mauro Bolognini NR -
34280 Per Le Antiche Scale 1975 Mauro Bolognini NR -
36485 You're on Your Own 1959 Mauro Bolognini NR -
39261 Metello 1970 Mauro Bolognini NR -
40701 Bubù 1971 Mauro Bolognini NR -
43717 The Inheritance 1976 Mauro Bolognini R -
44186 Lady of the Camelias 1981 Mauro Bolognini NR -
44708 The Murri Affair 1974 Mauro Bolognini NR -
45052 Gran bollito 1977 Mauro Bolognini NR -
46070 That Splendid November 1969 Mauro Bolognini NR -

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