The Best Movies Directed by Maurice Pialat

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The Best Movies Directed by Maurice Pialat
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5445 À nos amours 1983 Maurice Pialat R -
7417 L'enfance Nue 1968 Maurice Pialat NR -
11891 Loulou 1980 Maurice Pialat NR -
13177 Under the Sun of Satan 1987 Maurice Pialat NR -
13770 Van Gogh 1991 Maurice Pialat R -
14574 We Won't Grow Old Together 1972 Maurice Pialat NR -
18648 The Mouth Agape 1974 Maurice Pialat NR -
19606 Police 1985 Maurice Pialat NR -
21232 Passe ton bac d'abord 1978 Maurice Pialat NR -
24316 Love Exists 1960 Maurice Pialat NR -
46272 Le garçu 1995 Maurice Pialat NR -

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