The Best Movies Directed by Maggie Greenwald

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The Best Movies Directed by Maggie Greenwald
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
14969 Songcatcher 2001 Maggie Greenwald PG13 -
15922 The Ballad of Little Jo 1993 Maggie Greenwald R -
32145 Get a Clue 2002 Maggie Greenwald G -
46427 The Kill-Off 1989 Maggie Greenwald NR -
58261 Comfort and Joy 2003 Maggie Greenwald NR -
59858 What Makes a Family 2001 Maggie Greenwald NR -
74515 The Last Keepers 2013 Maggie Greenwald PG13 -
80330 Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane 2018 Maggie Greenwald NR -
83987 Sophie and the Rising Sun 2016 Maggie Greenwald R -

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