The Top 10 Movies Directed by Luigi Comencini

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Luigi Comencini
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
22806 Everybody Go Home 1960 Luigi Comencini NR -
24452 The Sunday Woman 1975 Luigi Comencini R -
28063 Misunderstood 1967 Luigi Comencini NR -
28805 Bebo's Girl 1963 Luigi Comencini NR -
29700 Bread, Love and Dreams 1953 Luigi Comencini NR -
29894 Don Camillo in Moscow 1965 Luigi Comencini NR -
30546 The Police Commissioner 1962 Luigi Comencini NR -
30570 The Adventures of Pinocchio 1972 Luigi Comencini NR -
35754 Somewhere Beyond Love 1974 Luigi Comencini NR -
36288 The Scientific Cardplayer 1972 Luigi Comencini NR -

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