The Best Movies Directed by Louis Feuillade

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The Best Movies Directed by Louis Feuillade
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2468 Les Vampires 1915 Louis Feuillade NR -
6733 Judex 1916 Louis Feuillade NR -
6917 Custody of the Child 1909 Louis Feuillade NR -
8083 The Colonel's Account 1907 Louis Feuillade NR -
9120 Spring 1909 Louis Feuillade NR -
9271 The Fairy of the Surf 1909 Louis Feuillade NR -
17157 Tih Minh 1918 Louis Feuillade NR -
19713 Heliogabalus, Tyrant of Rome 1911 Louis Feuillade NR -
20525 The Obsession 1912 Louis Feuillade NR -
22611 Barrabas 1919 Louis Feuillade NR -
23468 For the Children 1916 Louis Feuillade NR -
23586 Tragic Error 1913 Louis Feuillade NR -
23617 The Defect 1911 Louis Feuillade NR -
23690 The Nativity 1910 Louis Feuillade NR -
24987 Fantômas 1913 Louis Feuillade NR -
28402 The Dwarf 1912 Louis Feuillade NR -

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