The Best Movies of the 1930s Directed by Lew Landers

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The Best Movies of the 1930s Directed by Lew Landers
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3641 The Raven 1935 Lew Landers NR -
18189 Bad Lands 1939 Lew Landers NR -
20384 Sky Giant 1938 Lew Landers NR -
21020 The Man Who Found Himself 1937 Lew Landers NR -
21067 Condemned Women 1938 Lew Landers NR -
22717 Living on Love 1937 Lew Landers NR -
24077 Pacific Liner 1939 Lew Landers NR -
24999 Annabel Takes a Tour 1938 Lew Landers NR -
25785 Tailspin Tommy 1934 Lew Landers NR -
26463 Crashing Hollywood 1938 Lew Landers NR -
28940 Smashing the Rackets 1938 Lew Landers NR -
29676 Fixer Dugan 1939 Lew Landers NR -
30047 Double Danger 1938 Lew Landers NR -
32930 Night Waitress 1936 Lew Landers NR -
34395 Danger Patrol 1937 Lew Landers NR -

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