The Best Movies of the 1950s Directed by Lee Sholem

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The Best Movies of the 1950s Directed by Lee Sholem
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
17752 Tarzan and the Slave Girl 1950 Lee Sholem NR -
18070 Superman and the Mole Men 1951 Lee Sholem NR -
22645 Jungle Man-Eaters 1954 Lee Sholem NR -
23435 Tobor the Great 1954 Lee Sholem NR -
26083 Cannibal Attack 1954 Lee Sholem NR -
27822 Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki 1955 Lee Sholem NR -
31011 The Redhead from Wyoming 1953 Lee Sholem NR -
33836 Emergency Hospital 1956 Lee Sholem NR -
38646 Crime Against Joe 1956 Lee Sholem NR -
39719 Pharaoh's Curse 1957 Lee Sholem NR -

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