The Best Movies Directed by Lawrence Kasdan

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The Best Movies Directed by Lawrence Kasdan
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1053 Body Heat 1981 Lawrence Kasdan R -
1103 Silverado 1985 Lawrence Kasdan PG13 -
1474 The Big Chill 1983 Lawrence Kasdan R -
3120 Wyatt Earp 1994 Lawrence Kasdan PG13 -
3394 Grand Canyon 1991 Lawrence Kasdan R -
3401 The Accidental Tourist 1988 Lawrence Kasdan PG -
4749 French Kiss 1995 Lawrence Kasdan PG13 -
5091 I Love You to Death 1990 Lawrence Kasdan R -
5311 Mumford 1999 Lawrence Kasdan R -
8896 Dreamcatcher 2003 Lawrence Kasdan R -
61881 Darling Companion 2012 Lawrence Kasdan PG -
83067 Light & Magic 2022 Lawrence Kasdan NR -

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