The Best Movies Directed by Kevin Tenney

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The Best Movies Directed by Kevin Tenney
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3585 Night of the Demons 1988 Kevin Tenney R -
15086 Witchboard 1986 Kevin Tenney R -
31102 Brain Dead 2007 Kevin Tenney NR -
40307 Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway 1993 Kevin Tenney R -
44099 Pinocchio's Revenge 1996 Kevin Tenney R -
44775 The Second Arrival 1998 Kevin Tenney R -
46332 The Cellar 1989 Kevin Tenney PG13 -
50356 Witchtrap 1989 Kevin Tenney R -
52751 Book of Joe 1984 Kevin Tenney NR -
53333 Demolition University 1997 Kevin Tenney NR -
57920 Endangered Species 2003 Kevin Tenney R -

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