The Best Movies of the 1940s Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi

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The Best Movies of the 1940s Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6006 The 47 Ronin 1941 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -
9544 Women of the Night 1948 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -
11405 Utamaro and His Five Women 1946 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -
18713 Miyamoto Musashi 1944 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -
20536 The Love of Sumako the Actress 1947 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -
22521 The Famous Sword Bijomaru 1945 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -
27935 Flame of My Love 1949 Kenji Mizoguchi NR -

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