The Best Movies of the 1940s Directed by Keisuke Kinoshita

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The Best Movies of the 1940s Directed by Keisuke Kinoshita
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
16109 Morning for the Osone Family 1946 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
17325 Jubilation Street 1944 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
17812 Here's to the Young Lady 1949 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
17866 Yotsuya kaidan 1949 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
19159 The Girl I Love 1946 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
20762 The Portrait 1948 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
20861 Phoenix 1947 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
21579 The Living Magoroku 1943 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
23393 Yotsuya kaidan, Part II 1949 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
24206 Woman 1948 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
24369 Apostasy 1948 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
25009 The Army 1944 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
29536 Port of Flowers 1943 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
29784 A Broken Drum 1949 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -

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