The Best Movies of the 1980s Directed by Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.

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The Best Movies of the 1980s Directed by Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6518 The Flight of Dragons 1982 Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. NR -
9093 The Return of the King 1980 Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. NR -
12545 The Wind in the Willows 1987 Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. NR -
23219 The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus 1985 Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. G -
46212 Pinocchio's Christmas 1980 Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. NR -
50674 The Leprechauns' Christmas Gold 1981 Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. NR -

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