The Best Movies Directed by John Korty

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The Best Movies Directed by John Korty
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
9914 The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 1974 John Korty NR -
10558 Twice Upon a Time 1983 John Korty PG -
11627 The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage 1984 John Korty NR -
26496 Who Are the DeBolts? [And Where Did They Get 19 Kids?] 1977 John Korty NR -
37058 Go Ask Alice 1973 John Korty NR -
42044 A Christmas Without Snow 1980 John Korty NR -
42273 Oliver's Story 1978 John Korty PG -
44630 Resting Place 1986 John Korty NR -
47131 Second Sight: A Love Story 1984 John Korty NR -
48152 Alex and the Gypsy 1976 John Korty PG -
49173 A Son's Promise 1990 John Korty NR -

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