The Best Movies Directed by John Eyres

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The Best Movies Directed by John Eyres
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
42735 Shadowchaser 1992 John Eyres R -
48264 Lucifer 1987 John Eyres R -
51698 Project Shadowchaser II 1994 John Eyres R -
54520 Monolith 1993 John Eyres R -
55821 Ripper: Letter from Hell 2001 John Eyres R -
56462 Project Shadowchaser III 1995 John Eyres R -
57161 Judge and Jury 1996 John Eyres R -
57745 Irish Jam 2006 John Eyres PG13 -
58874 Octopus 2000 John Eyres PG13 -

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