The Best Movies Directed by John D. Hancock

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The Best Movies Directed by John D. Hancock
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3518 Let's Scare Jessica to Death 1971 John D. Hancock PG13 -
4030 Bang the Drum Slowly 1973 John D. Hancock PG -
14722 Prancer 1989 John D. Hancock G -
22247 Weeds 1987 John D. Hancock R -
27293 Baby Blue Marine 1976 John D. Hancock NR -
27348 California Dreaming 1979 John D. Hancock R -
44283 Steal the Sky 1988 John D. Hancock NR -
52656 Suspended Animation 2001 John D. Hancock NR -
80027 The Looking Glass 2015 John D. Hancock NR -

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