The Best Movies Directed by John Brahm

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The Best Movies Directed by John Brahm
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5934 The Lodger 1944 John Brahm NR -
6309 Hangover Square 1945 John Brahm NR -
9793 The Locket 1946 John Brahm NR -
11046 The Undying Monster 1942 John Brahm NR -
11926 The Mad Magician 1954 John Brahm NR -
15432 The Brasher Doubloon 1947 John Brahm NR -
17501 The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima 1952 John Brahm NR -
18112 Let Us Live 1939 John Brahm NR -
18456 Hot Rods to Hell 1967 John Brahm NR -
18759 Broken Blossoms 1936 John Brahm NR -
21994 Singapore 1947 John Brahm NR -
23180 Wintertime 1943 John Brahm NR -
23473 Tonight We Raid Calais 1943 John Brahm NR -
25378 Guest in the House 1944 John Brahm NR -
27719 Girls' School 1938 John Brahm NR -
32558 The Thief of Venice 1950 John Brahm NR -
33479 Bengazi 1955 John Brahm NR -

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