The Top 10 Movies Directed by Jack Smight

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Jack Smight
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3100 Harper 1966 Jack Smight NR -
3757 Midway 1976 Jack Smight PG -
7137 Airport 1975 1974 Jack Smight PG -
7753 Damnation Alley 1977 Jack Smight PG -
10513 No Way to Treat a Lady 1968 Jack Smight NR -
12274 Fast Break 1979 Jack Smight PG -
13123 The Secret War of Harry Frigg 1968 Jack Smight NR -
13646 The Illustrated Man 1969 Jack Smight PG -
16546 Double Indemnity 1973 Jack Smight NR -
17874 Frankenstein: The True Story 1973 Jack Smight NR -

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