The Best Movies Directed by Geoff Murphy

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The Best Movies Directed by Geoff Murphy
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3369 The Quiet Earth 1985 Geoff Murphy R -
3668 Young Guns II 1990 Geoff Murphy PG13 -
9217 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory 1995 Geoff Murphy R -
9227 Freejack 1992 Geoff Murphy R -
22416 Fortress 2 2000 Geoff Murphy R -
36862 Utu 1984 Geoff Murphy NR -
37969 Goodbye Pork Pie 1980 Geoff Murphy R -
39369 The Last Outlaw 1993 Geoff Murphy R -
46727 Never Say Die 1988 Geoff Murphy NR -
48806 Blind Side 1993 Geoff Murphy R -

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