The Best Movies Directed by Gary Winick

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The Best Movies Directed by Gary Winick
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5508 13 Going on 30 2004 Gary Winick PG13 -
7621 Letters to Juliet 2010 Gary Winick PG -
13568 Tadpole 2002 Gary Winick PG13 -
14798 Charlotte's Web 2006 Gary Winick G -
16261 Bride Wars 2009 Gary Winick PG -
35074 Sweet Nothing 1996 Gary Winick R -
50791 Curfew 1989 Gary Winick NR -
53682 Out of the Rain 1991 Gary Winick R -
56534 Sam the Man 2000 Gary Winick NR -
59979 The Tic Code 1998 Gary Winick R -

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