The Top 10 Movies Directed by Fred M. Wilcox

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Fred M. Wilcox
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
605 Forbidden Planet 1956 Fred M. Wilcox G -
6126 The Secret Garden 1949 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
7123 Lassie Come Home 1943 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
17615 Courage of Lassie 1946 Fred M. Wilcox G -
18202 Hills of Home 1948 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
19259 Three Daring Daughters 1948 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
27133 Shadow in the Sky 1952 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
27616 Code Two 1953 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
34338 Tennessee Champ 1954 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
40045 I Passed for White 1960 Fred M. Wilcox NR -

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