The Best Movies Directed by Denys Arcand

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The Best Movies Directed by Denys Arcand
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3317 The Barbarian Invasions 2003 Denys Arcand R -
4922 Jesus of Montreal 1989 Denys Arcand R -
6463 The Decline of the American Empire 1986 Denys Arcand R -
18863 Love and Human Remains 1995 Denys Arcand R -
26710 Stardom 2000 Denys Arcand NR -
59345 The Age of Ignorance 2007 Denys Arcand NR -
77055 An Eye for Beauty 2014 Denys Arcand NR -
84031 The Fall of the American Empire 2018 Denys Arcand NR -

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