The Best Movies Directed by David Giles

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The Best Movies Directed by David Giles
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
19332 A Murder Is Announced 1985 David Giles NR -
29790 The Forsyte Saga 1967 David Giles NR -
30660 Richard II 1978 David Giles NR -
32226 The Life of Henry the Fifth 1979 David Giles NR -
32319 The Barchester Chronicles 1982 David Giles NR -
34027 Henry IV Part I 1979 David Giles NR -
35145 Mansfield Park 1983 David Giles NR -
38485 Henry IV Part II 1979 David Giles NR -
39229 The Mayor of Casterbridge 1978 David Giles NR -
53358 The Life and Death of King John 1984 David Giles NR -

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