The Best Movies Directed by Cy Endfield

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The Best Movies Directed by Cy Endfield
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1018 Zulu 1964 Cy Endfield NR -
5175 Mysterious Island 1961 Cy Endfield NR -
9761 Hell Drivers 1957 Cy Endfield NR -
10112 The Sound of Fury 1950 Cy Endfield NR -
18206 The Underworld Story 1950 Cy Endfield NR -
18273 Sands of the Kalahari 1965 Cy Endfield NR -
20041 Tarzan's Savage Fury 1952 Cy Endfield NR -
22639 The Argyle Secrets 1948 Cy Endfield NR -
29431 Tale of a Dog 1944 Cy Endfield NR -
29450 Magic On a Stick 1946 Cy Endfield NR -
29483 Radio Bugs 1944 Cy Endfield NR -
31625 Jet Storm 1959 Cy Endfield NR -
32583 Dancing Romeo 1944 Cy Endfield NR -
33152 Colonel March Investigates 1953 Cy Endfield NR -
35823 Our Old Car 1946 Cy Endfield NR -
37164 Sea Fury 1958 Cy Endfield NR -
Unranked Universal Soldier 1971 Cy Endfield NR -

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