The Top 10 Movies Directed by Christopher Cain

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Christopher Cain
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1905 Young Guns 1988 Christopher Cain R -
7500 The Principal 1987 Christopher Cain R -
10204 Pure Country 1992 Christopher Cain PG -
10477 That Was Then... This Is Now 1985 Christopher Cain R -
17824 The Next Karate Kid 1994 Christopher Cain PG -
23195 The Amazing Panda Adventure 1995 Christopher Cain PG -
31287 Gone Fishin' 1997 Christopher Cain PG -
38516 The Stone Boy 1984 Christopher Cain PG -
38873 Where the River Runs Black 1986 Christopher Cain PG -
44617 Wheels of Terror 1990 Christopher Cain R -

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