The Best Movies Directed by Catherine Hardwicke

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The Best Movies Directed by Catherine Hardwicke
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3775 Lords of Dogtown 2005 Catherine Hardwicke PG13 -
4195 Thirteen 2003 Catherine Hardwicke R -
12335 Twilight 2008 Catherine Hardwicke PG13 -
12486 The Nativity Story 2006 Catherine Hardwicke PG -
18525 Red Riding Hood 2011 Catherine Hardwicke PG13 -
53362 Miss You Already 2015 Catherine Hardwicke PG13 -
71205 Miss Bala 2019 Catherine Hardwicke PG13 -
74149 Plush 2013 Catherine Hardwicke R -
85248 Mafia Mamma 2023 Catherine Hardwicke R -
90021 Prisoner's Daughter 2022 Catherine Hardwicke R -

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