The Best Movies Directed by Arthur Penn

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The Best Movies Directed by Arthur Penn
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
285 Bonnie and Clyde 1967 Arthur Penn R -
1125 Night Moves 1975 Arthur Penn R -
1217 Little Big Man 1970 Arthur Penn PG13 -
1726 The Miracle Worker 1962 Arthur Penn NR -
4279 The Missouri Breaks 1976 Arthur Penn PG -
5631 The Chase 1966 Arthur Penn NR -
7713 Alice's Restaurant 1969 Arthur Penn R -
8549 The Left-Handed Gun 1958 Arthur Penn NR -
9229 Penn & Teller Get Killed 1989 Arthur Penn R -
9744 Dead of Winter 1987 Arthur Penn R -
10621 Mickey One 1965 Arthur Penn NR -
10970 Four Friends 1981 Arthur Penn R -
12760 Target 1985 Arthur Penn R -
38673 The Left Handed Gun 1958 Arthur Penn NR -

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