The Best Movies Directed by Andy Warhol

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The Best Movies Directed by Andy Warhol
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
17607 The Velvet Underground and Nico 1966 Andy Warhol NR -
20765 Empire 1964 Andy Warhol NR -
29402 Beauty #2 1965 Andy Warhol NR -
29789 Kiss 1963 Andy Warhol NR -
33296 Vinyl 1965 Andy Warhol NR -
34580 Eat 1963 Andy Warhol NR -
35218 Mario Banana I 1964 Andy Warhol NR -
37245 The Nude Restaurant 1967 Andy Warhol NR -
37741 Imitation of Christ 1967 Andy Warhol NR -
40108 Blow Job 1963 Andy Warhol NR -
44306 Mario Banana II 1964 Andy Warhol NR -

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