The Best Movies Directed by Andrew Marton

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The Best Movies Directed by Andrew Marton
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8480 The Thin Red Line 1964 Andrew Marton NR -
10033 Crack in the World 1965 Andrew Marton NR -
14596 Around the World Under the Sea 1966 Andrew Marton G -
17344 Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion 1965 Andrew Marton NR -
17969 Green Fire 1954 Andrew Marton NR -
27873 The Wild North 1952 Andrew Marton NR -
28215 The Devil Makes Three 1952 Andrew Marton NR -
29382 Men of the Fighting Lady 1954 Andrew Marton NR -
31216 Gallant Bess 1946 Andrew Marton NR -
34596 Demon of the Himalayas 1935 Andrew Marton NR -
35095 Gentle Annie 1944 Andrew Marton NR -
36850 It Happened in Athens 1962 Andrew Marton NR -
38518 Birds Do It 1966 Andrew Marton NR -

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