The Best Movies of the 1970s Directed by Amando De Ossorio

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Directed by Amando De Ossorio
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5152 Tombs of the Blind Dead 1972 Amando de Ossorio PG -
7583 Return of the Blind Dead 1973 Amando de Ossorio NR -
12396 The Ghost Galleon 1974 Amando de Ossorio R -
13162 Night of the Seagulls 1975 Amando de Ossorio R -
24421 Night of the Sorcerers 1973 Amando de Ossorio NR -
27545 The Loreley's Grasp 1973 Amando de Ossorio R -
40238 Demon Witch Child 1975 Amando de Ossorio R -

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