The Best Movies Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

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The Best Movies Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
208 The Lady Vanishes 1938 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
294 The 39 Steps 1935 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
393 To Catch a Thief 1955 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
482 The Birds 1963 Alfred Hitchcock PG13 -
587 The Man Who Knew Too Much 1956 Alfred Hitchcock PG -
597 Lifeboat 1944 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
611 Spellbound 1945 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
612 Suspicion 1941 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
656 Foreign Correspondent 1940 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
1073 Saboteur 1942 Alfred Hitchcock PG -

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