The Best Movies Directed by Albert Capellani

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The Best Movies Directed by Albert Capellani
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
10038 Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp 1906 Albert Capellani NR -
18677 The Talisman or Sheep's Foot 1907 Albert Capellani NR -
19705 The Red Lantern 1919 Albert Capellani NR -
19901 Germinal 1913 Albert Capellani NR -
20853 Drink 1908 Albert Capellani NR -
24672 Drame passionnel 1906 Albert Capellani NR -
26466 The Bell Ringer's Daughter 1906 Albert Capellani NR -
26667 Donkey Skin 1906 Albert Capellani NR -
29739 The Two Sisters 1907 Albert Capellani NR -

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