The Worst Movies of the 1930s

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The Worst Movies of the 1930s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
16078 The Man from Utah 1934 Robert N. Bradbury NR -
13436 Blue Steel 1934 Robert N. Bradbury NR -
14514 Let's Celebrake 1938 Dave Fleischer NR -
19526 Mickey's Gala Premier 1933 Burt Gillett NR -
17358 Mickey's Orphans 1931 Burt Gillett NR -
18828 An Optical Poem 1937 Oskar Fischinger NR -
17562 Boo 1932 Albert DeMond NR -
20285 Nertsery Rhymes 1933 Jack Cummings NR -
16739 Birds of a Feather 1931 Burt Gillett NR -
10856 The Desert Trail 1935 Lewis D. Collins NR -

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