The Best Movies of the 1930s

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The Best Movies of the 1930s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
358 Trouble in Paradise 1932 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
401 The Awful Truth 1937 Leo McCarey NR -
419 The Invisible Man 1933 James Whale NR -
453 All Quiet on the Western Front 1930 Lewis Milestone NR -
471 Holiday 1938 George Cukor NR -
472 Freaks 1932 Tod Browning NR -
499 Ninotchka 1939 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
501 Animal Crackers 1930 Victor Heerman NR -
577 L'atalante 1934 Jean Vigo NR -
609 You Can't Take It With You 1938 Frank Capra NR -

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