The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Yue Wong

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The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Yue Wong
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
38648 Mercenaries From Hong Kong 1982 Jing Wong NR -
39733 The Lady Is the Boss 1983 Chia-Liang Liu NR -
41052 The Kid With a Tattoo 1980 Chung Sun NR -
41758 Rendezvous with Death 1980 Chung Sun NR -
44523 Kid From Kwangtung 1982 Hsia Hsu NR -
45909 Wits of the Brats 1984 Sheng Fu, Chia Yung Liu, Jing Wong NR -
46344 The Young Vagabond 1985 Sze Yu Lau NR -
48741 Tales of a Eunuch 1983 Shan Hua NR -
49769 The Master Strikes Back 1985 Chung Sun NR -

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