The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Vincent Lindon

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Vincent Lindon
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
37468 The Beautiful Story 1992 Claude Lelouch NR -
42611 The School of Flesh 1998 Benoît Jacquot R -
44807 La Belle Verte 1996 Coline Serreau NR -
47256 All That... for This? 1993 Claude Lelouch NR -
50868 The Crisis 1992 Coline Serreau NR -
51102 Seventh Heaven 1997 Benoît Jacquot NR -
53671 C'est la vie 1990 Diane Kurys NR -
57973 Keep It Quiet 1999 Benoît Jacquot NR -
58754 Belle maman 1999 Gabriel Aghion NR -
59229 My Little Business 1999 Pierre Jolivet NR -
59256 Fred 1997 Pierre Jolivet NR -

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