The Best Movies Starring Tony Amendola

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The Best Movies Starring Tony Amendola
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
32988 Annabelle 2014 John R. Leonetti R -
36338 Maxie 1985 Paul Aaron PG -
63436 Forbidden Warrior 2005 Jimmy Nickerson PG13 -
66858 The Perfect Sleep 2008 Jeremy Alter R -
66888 Crimson Force 2005 David Flores NR -
78427 The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave 2016 Davis Doi, Tony Tulipano, Sheldon Arnst, Jessie Hsiung, Bunis Yang G -
82325 Nightmare Shark 2018 Griff Furst, Nathan Furst NR -
Unranked New Life 2023 John Rosman NR -

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