The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Theresa Russell

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The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Theresa Russell
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3422 The Believer 2001 Henry Bean R -
18428 Love Comes Softly 2003 Michael Landon Jr NR -
53920 Passionada 2003 Dan Ireland PG13 -
55264 Earth vs. the Spider 2001 Scott Ziehl R -
59377 Project Viper 2002 Jim Wynorski R -
60204 The Box 2003 Richard Pepin NR -
64475 16 to life 2009 Becky Smith NR -
66008 The House Next Door 2002 Joey Travolta R -
67646 On the Doll 2007 Thomas Mignone NR -

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