The Best Movies Starring Tanya Roberts

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The Best Movies Starring Tanya Roberts
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3696 Tourist Trap 1979 David Schmoeller PG -
3818 A View to a Kill 1985 John Glen PG -
4146 The Beastmaster 1982 Don Coscarelli PG -
18461 Sheena 1984 John Guillermin PG -
18532 Body Slam 1986 Hal Needham PG -
20322 Night Eyes 1990 Jag Mundhra R -
27348 California Dreaming 1979 John D. Hancock R -
44029 Zuma Beach 1978 Lee H. Katzin NR -
44448 Murder Me, Murder You 1983 Gary Nelson NR -
48743 Purgatory 1988 Ami Artzi R -
51073 Almost Pregnant 1992 Michael DeLuise R -

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