The Best Movies Starring Talia Balsam

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The Best Movies Starring Talia Balsam
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
11437 The Kindred 1987 Stephen Carpenter, Jeffrey Obrow R -
21106 Nadia 1984 Alan Cooke NR -
21727 Crawlspace 1986 David Schmoeller R -
35932 In the Mood 1987 Phil Alden Robinson PG13 -
41000 Kent State 1981 James Goldstone NR -
42063 Calamity Jane 1984 James Goldstone NR -
44144 The Supernaturals 1986 Armand Mastroianni R -
63105 Return 2011 Liza Johnson NR -
68635 The Climb 2019 Michael Angelo Covino R -
70976 The Girl in the Book 2015 Marya Cohn NR -
86292 South Mountain 2019 Hilary Brougher NR -

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