The Best Movies Starring Sam Levene

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The Best Movies Starring Sam Levene
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3891 Shadow of the Thin Man 1941 W.S. Van Dyke NR -
5877 God Told Me To 1976 Larry Cohen R -
7222 The Mad Miss Manton 1938 Leigh Jason NR -
7575 Designing Woman 1957 Vincente Minnelli NR -
16047 Dial 1119 1950 Gerald Mayer NR -
16194 I Dood It 1943 Vincente Minnelli NR -
19180 Guilty Bystander 1950 Joseph Lerner NR -
30597 Three Sailors and a Girl 1953 Roy del Ruth NR -
34406 With These Hands 1950 Jack Arnold NR -
44461 A Dream of Kings 1969 Daniel Mann R -

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