The Best Movies Starring Russell Johnson

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The Best Movies Starring Russell Johnson
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5045 It Came from Outer Space 1953 Jack Arnold G -
6070 This Island Earth 1955 Joseph M. Newman NR -
13580 Attack of the Crab Monsters 1957 Roger Corman NR -
27822 Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki 1955 Lee Sholem NR -
31115 Rock All Night 1957 Roger Corman NR -
31830 Ride Clear of Diablo 1954 Jesse Hibbs NR -
31911 Hitch Hike to Hell 1977 Irvin Berwick R -
34050 The Ghost of Flight 401 1978 Steven Hilliard Stern NR -

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